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To Our Generous Kickstarter Backers

"Dreams Are a Lot Like Wings...

  If You Have Them, You Can Soar!" 


This album was made possible in part by the generous support of our KickStarter backers, and we thank them for helping us to “Dream A Dream.”


Peter Alexander, Anonymous, Nazy Attarzadeh, Bradley Bennett, Elissa Berall, 

Pierce Peter Brandt, Trixi Bücker, Fred Chacon, Casey Clark, Elizabeth Cleves, 

Jonathan Dariyanani, Vian Davis, Steve Delatorre, Roberta Drake, John Erréca, 

Eric Eyges, Tom Felt, Matt Fishbach, Jeffrey Fischer, Kelsie Fritz, Tom Gensichen,

Michael Goldberg, Vivian Greene, John Griffin, Stewie Hartzell and Nicole Groux,

Gerard Hearson, Rita Hearson, Pam Hulsbrink, Carrie Hybels, An. Jahnke, 

Manal Jamal, Desmond Lee and Carl Jukkola, Diana Lydia Kehrig, 

Christine Fiore Kessel, Ginny Lacefield, Christina Lazo, Euisung Lee,

Paula K Lytle and Sandy Reid, H.M., John Maio, Ben Malisow, Belinda Maloney,

Becky Marvin, Nicholas Paul Matthews, Todd Mercier, Martie Muldoon,

Sue Ellen and Ron Nelsen, Richard C. Norton, Patty Nosan and Cecil Hartwig,

Susan J. Pearl, Scott Phillips, Margo Redfern, Eric Reid, Laura Ricketts, Martha Rosenberg,

Kasha Ritter, Carol Rogers, Jon Rosen, Liz Reuman, Wayne Steffen, Peter and Elizabeth Seaver, Gerome Stephens, Rick Toscano, Chris Vettel, Scott Wagner, Laurence E Web, Gary Wright


Thank you!



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